In a thrilling collision of legendary legacies, witness the complex relationship that emerges when Evelina Stark, the dauntless daughter of the brilliant Tony Stark, joins forces with Tim Drake, the enigmatic son of the iconic Bruce Wayne. As They go through high school then they finally go their adult life Eve struggles with handling her career. As Tim finds himself shackled by the relentless demands of his workaholic tendencies, they both embark on an emotional rollercoaster, navigating the uncharted territories of their own inner struggles. Prepare to immerse yourself in a gripping tale that seamlessly weaves together heart-wrenching communication barriers and ambitions soaring, all in a world that is as extraordinary as it is relatable. Credits to one of my good friends Jewel for helping me write this story, without her I would be lost. Her OC is Lily Wayne :)
22 parts