In the Toon universe
In the year 2024, Thunderbolt Ross, now known as Red Hulk, sets out on a mission to assemble a unique team of heroes to face the rising threat of the Shadow Order. He brings together a diverse group of individuals with extraordinary abilities and backgrounds.
Joining Thunderbolt Ross are Baron Zemo, an enigmatic and powerful adversary-turned-ally with a strategic mind; Fern the Human from Adventure Time, a sentient plant creature with incredible strength and agility; Jaguar, the cunning and veteran and the punisher from Rick and Morty; and Kevin Levin, a versatile shapeshifter with energy-absorbing capabilities from Ben 10.
The team further expands with the inclusion of Taskmaster, a formidable combatant with the ability to mimic the fighting styles of others;
Joss, a skilled and crafty individual who may be a cousin of the famous Kim Possible; Shego, a super-powered villain turned hero from Kim Possible fame.
Additionally, Ashi from Samurai Jack, a skilled warrior trained to defeat evil, and Ghost, a mysterious and phantasmal entity originating from the world of Ant-Man, round out the Thunderbolts.
Together, this eclectic group of heroes must overcome their differences and personal demons to unite against the Shadow Order. As they delve deeper into the villainous organization's plans, they encounter intense battles and unexpected twists, constantly testing their teamwork and resolve.
What if Rimuru was instead reborn as a primordial demon; the strongest in combat and intelligence.
He reincarnated just before Star king dragon Veldanava created the omniverse; it was nothing but a void, his soul being exposed just a little to turn null made his soul undergo a change. Making him an individual with a high evolutionary potential