Genre: romance and mystery Prologue: Celestia and Xavier epitomize an enviable love, a bond seemingly impervious to life's challenges. Their shared laughter travels, and dreams create a fairy-tale narrative, establishing them as each other's rock and weaving an anchor of enduring love. However, as time passes, Celestia's unease grows, and doubts about Xavier's existence emerge, shattering the facade of their blissful life. Despite their relationship flourishing, Celestia's suspicions intensify, revealing cracks in their once-unbreakable foundation. She grapples with Xavier's apparent absence, immersing herself in memories that transform into a fragile illusion. The painful truth unfolds: Xavier departed long ago, leaving Celestia to confront the devastating realization that their love existed in a fabricated world. Heartbroken, Celestia faces the challenge of accepting this harsh reality. Amidst grief, a glimmer of hope emerges, urging her to honor the genuine moments they shared. Determined to navigate a new reality without Xavier physically present, Celestia embarks on a journey of acceptance and healing, cherishing their past while recognizing the enduring power of their love.
8 parts