Jack had been saved after the fire after some locals found him too early than intended. Now he's suffering, forced to continue his fazbenders company after 2ish years of reparing on the burned place. Years later, it would be almost 2028, about 5 years since the events had happened. Jack, on any normal day, would be nicking at his time by sleeping, constantly. He was depressed and didnt know what to do with his undead life now. Dave wasnt around, Peter, Steven, Dee... but fucking Matt still sticked around, but he doesent count, hes just a virgin. Nobody was around to make his life even a tad bit interesting. But on a faithful day, a constant ringing at his door would change all that though. (PLEASE NOTICE: This AU idea is not mine and is rightfully owned by "End_Tramission" from "ArchiveOfOurOwn.com" Also the main ship is Davesport)