All i need to is stay awake and get to walking, i've found an album that was made in 1961 before you and me. Maybe that was the cure. The world was happier place before you and i were born. We brought the all the mess with us. You've waited for me to born 30 years and i've never waited for you to arrive. Then my eyes met with yours, you are never like the person as seen as on the tv. Fuck the papparazi and the wrong angle taken photos. Why are you always aggressively inward looking normal avarage man when i see you. Today you lost another friend to Death angel. However the age 62 (standard deviations of 62 +/- 5) was the avarage life span on this country. My eyes now searching for you for the damage control. My steps always gets to you one step closer. In the perfect world, today we were going to meet with a cheer in a air. In my hometown in a palace of Kervansaray that you proudly helped with the original like repair. Ottomans and you. How could i miss such a pleasent moment. Just remember your dream and get to place in the same time sit in there for about two hours. Wait for you to come. Hell no i closed that bet when i see you with someone like me sitting in the place where we supposed to meet at the age of fifteen then the song began to sing in my head. Let me be, let my world to be. You are a traitor of my universe. I wish you luck with yours. I know you are going to tell me if you are with me your reasons then you would go all metal on me. No thank you today i am happy with my 61 recorded jazz album. Happy Birthday my dream man. Wish you another miserable year without me. Until we met in real time. Farewell.