In a world where technology and ancient extraterrestrial civilizations collide, the fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Inspired by several previous famous adaptations, this Transformers story unfolds a gripping trilogy that will focus on exploring the journey of our favorite Autobots such as Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee from their earliest times to become our beloved characters we know, while facing Megatron and his ruthless Decepticon amid the great battle between these two fractions that has long been concealed from humanity. Embark on an adventure where the line between the two alliances shatters, as well as finding true meaning of heroism, leadership, loyalty, love, spirit, teamwork, as well as the price of power in this thrilling trilogy. Are you ready to unveil the secrets that lie beyond the stars?
Meet Goliath and the Clan, Elisa, Xanatos, and of course Demona once again. In this retelling of the Gargoyles origin, Goliath must make a choice between his and Demona's love and the moral implications of changing history. Elisa struggles to protect her city from terror while also preventing xenophobia and fear of the 'other' from gripping New York. Meanwhile, Xanatos begins his journey of personal ambition.