Wesley, a 24-year-old college student, has experienced unimaginable hardships in his life, stemming from years of unspeakable abuse and neglect at the hands of his parents. The scars of his past have left him scarred, both physically and emotionally. Desperate to escape his pain, he found himself drowning his sorrows in alcohol at a local bar one fateful night.
In his inebriated state, Wesley had a chance encounter with an extraordinary individual, unlike anything he had ever seen before. This mysterious being possessed striking features, with horns adorning its head, long black hair cascading down its back, and captivating golden eyes. Their presence was accentuated by a tail swishing behind them and hooves that replaced their feet.
Overwhelmed by the alcohol and the enigmatic presence before him, Wesley lost consciousness, only to awaken later within the unfamiliar surroundings of the individual's dwelling. As he stirred, he found himself covered in a warm blanket, providing comfort amidst the chaos of his emotions.
It was at that moment that he heard the distinct sound of approaching hoofsteps, and as realization dawned on him, Wesley knew that he had been escorted home by none other than Krampus, the notorious Yuletide demon. In an unexpected twist of fate, Krampus becomes more than just a savior or guardian for Wesley but a companion and partner, intertwining their love and shared destinies.
Together, they would embark on an extraordinary journey, navigating through the complexities of Wesley's past while forging a new path toward healing and redemption.
"You're different from what I expected," she said softly.
"How so?" he asked, glancing at her.
"I don't know," she replied, searching for the right words. "You just... have this way of making people feel like they matter. Even here, in this... nightmare."
He was quiet for a moment before responding. "You matter, Y/n. Don't forget that."
Y/n wakes up in the deadly Squid Game, surrounded by strangers and fighting to survive. What she doesn't know is that the mysterious Frontman is watching her every move through the cameras- and she's caught his attention.