Before modern world came on earth, back in 65,000,000 years ago, there are four raptors, there were Delta, Echo, Charlie and lastly and the eldest is Y/n blue, the four were sisters, til one day a advance alien race came called themselves the Honor Helios Empire who collected DNA samples from the dinosaurs, including the raptors and for their own survival, as the H.H.E left Earth and went somewhere, but then a asteroid came and wipe out all living creatures, including the raptors. But over time, in the modern world as a man name Dr. Henry Wu with John Hammond recreate the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park but ended in fail, but Claire Dearing and Henry made a park call Jurassic World and managed to bring the raptors back, but magically exciting happens, when the four raptors were reborn they became Dino-human, but they were still Dinosaurs even they are human. Til they were teleported to Remnant.
-I do not support any Nazi ideals or any of its goals-
-Warning this contains: Gore, Blood, War, Violence, Violent, Dark and light humor, Dark and light jokes, Death, Nudity, Lemon, Strong Language, alcohol, drugs, racism-
الشقة 333
"نعم كانت هي.. كانت نفس الشقة التي بدأ بها عذابي.. هكذا وقفت امامها ذلك اليوم قلبي ينبض بجنون ابحث عن الحب الذي لن اجده فيها يوماً .. بل وجدت بدله نصف الشيطان الذي كنت انا احمل نصفه الاخر..
اجل كانت حياته بين يدي وكان موتي بين يديه
سلسلة وحوش بشرية
الكاتبة : أصالة روز