I'm Alexandra Hatford. One girl you would consider as the "lonely lunch sitter" or "loser. The one that goes through a depression but not the kind you would normally hear about but a depression that effects all. I call it the aggressive conception. My life isn't just a story about abuse, drugs, alcohol, depression, cancer.. Etc. My life is a lesson you can learn about each and every situation I just listed but all in one story involving one person, me.. Alexandra. My life is a concept of everything you could imagine that could go wrong in life, I'm the girl that is messed with and teased with when really I'm the girl battling between rage and hope through out my entire life. But what makes it even scarier is that my life is about to completely change now that I meet someone new. Ever since I did I had to make so many choices especially after my incident. I'm the girl who needs to start finding answers. Im the girl who needs to start living. I'm the girl who needs her life's compass.Public Domain
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