"In the halls of Crestmont Academy, Botui, an orphaned teenager, finds himself navigating a world of newfound popularity and unexpected challenges. Adopted by the influential Haversham family, his charm earns him widespread adoration among peers, but also stirs envy among some male classmates.
Amidst his popularity, Botui faces a violent attack, triggering a journey of self-improvement through rigorous training. His transformation into a resilient individual pays off when a gang threatens the school, and he leads a valiant stand to protect his peers.
As the school's foundation and values of unity and excellence become evident, Botui discovers a dark undercurrent of mysteries lurking beneath the surface. Whispers of a scandal and unexplained phenomena lead him into a ghostly enigma tied to the school's history-a lost soul haunting the corridors, beckoning Botui into a quest to uncover unresolved secrets."
This summary encapsulates the journey of Botui amidst themes of popularity, resilience, the school's legacy, and an intriguing exploration of the paranormal
A boy who got admitted into the university of his choice having no idea the secret and mystery the school holds, trying to fit in, he found out the awful truth about himself. He now has to choose who to love and who to trust with the biggest secret of his life, his REAL PARENT. With the help of a secret supernatural group, he battles to find out more about his powers