Set against the backdrop of the 10,008th annual Hunger Games in the Capitol, a gripping tale unfolds as humanity has evolved and adapted through nuclear radiations of the past wars, bestowing individuals between districts with extraordinary powers. The arena becomes a battleground where these enhanced abilities, borne from the echoes of their own respective districts, shape the destiny of the tributes. As alliances are forged and betrayals unfold, the narrative explores the intricate interplay between power, survival, and the enduring spirit of rebellion.
A million dollar bounty, underground assassins, torture-it's all in a days work for assassin Jessie Wright.
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Molded into an assassin by the one who killed her parents, Jessie defies orders and goes rogue. Now with a bounty on her head, her only chance of survival may be with a man who's reputation is worse than her own.
Violence, Assault, Swearing.