In the mystical realms of the Academy, where beings of all races and magical abilities converge to master their skills, an extraordinary tale unfolds. For years, Nathan Rockforth, the powerful Alpha werewolf, patiently waited for his destined mate, unaware that she would emerge in the form of Audrey Lovel.
Audrey, a unique human blessed with magical powers, stands out among the diverse students in the academy. As she navigates the challenges, her connection with the enigmatic werewolf, Nathan, unravels a tapestry of secrets. Alongside friends like Jack, Jeremy, Ron, and the mischievous Jay, Audrey's powers grow.
Torn between her human life and newfound destiny, Audrey grapples with her identity. Nathan, as the Alpha, must lead his pack and protect the ones he loves. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, facing battles that test their strength, unity, and love.
As Audrey's power grows, a sudden rift transports them to a desolate desert, a world teeming with demonic forces. Unbeknownst to them, legendary parents assemble to combat this new threat. Memories of past battles resurface for Audrey's parents, Kiara and Adam Lovel, adding complexity to the unfolding story.
Audrey's group faces eerie landscapes and unknown creatures; their parents prepare for an Earth-shattering battle. The fate of two realms intertwines, and Audrey's journey takes an unexpected turn.
Buckle up for "Lunar Enchantment: Bonds of the Alpha's Enchantment," where love, magic, and destiny collide. With each chapter, the stakes rise, and just when you think you've unraveled the tale, a plot twist emerges.
As alliances form and Audrey's power grows, a subtle hint of a reverse harem teases at the edges of this enchanting journey. Dive into a world where lunar enchantment holds the key to unraveling mysteries, and the bonds formed at Cube Academy transcend realms.
currently#16 in humanxwerewolf
currently#19 in anotherdimension
currently#13 in published
Crescent Swiftwater, an innocent shift-less human raised in the turbulent society of werewolves, discovers a world beyond her family and searches for true love.
The smell of sweat in the small arena was overpowering. The obnoxious hollering of the students can be heard around the arena, its echoes only enhancing it.
Just then, the announcer jumped up onto the 7-foot-high podium with a microphone in his hand as his deep voice resounded throughout the arena riling up the crowd.
"Next up is the fight between Cress and Aubrey!"
The crowd was eerily silent for a split second before going wild. This was the fight that piqued everyone's interest. The human going up against a beta's daughter.
Sitting in the front row was the winning Alphas for each grade. They looked on the procession with interest as the two unlikely contesters walked up the stage. One Alpha in particular, however, looked on with concern.
Every school year, the school holds the wolf games in order to determine the hierarchy of the school. Can she get through the year without being bullied as a wolf-less pure bred? Will she be able to win a space or forever be the runt of the pack.
Cress finds herself friends with the most unlikely person in school, who happens to be the handsome and most feared alpha of the school. Will she find her true love. Will it be the quiet brooding new Alpha in town or her gentle and longtime childhood friend?
Crescent was born to the Chief's son and lived in a family pack. She grew up running alongside wolves but never being a wolf herself.
With eyes as blue as the sky and hair as gold as the sun, she doesn't look anything of her father and mothers' dark hair, brown eyes and beautiful tan skin. As it is a very rare occurrence among werewolves to not have the dominant gene of their parents.
Therefore, Cress always asks, what's wrong with her?
Highest Rankings: #1 Wolves , #1 Suspenseful, #3 Runt, #1 Abnormal, #64 fictional, #10 Werewolf #5 Powerful