"What are you thinking about, sweetheart." "I told you not to call me......" my words are taken out of my mouth by his lips on mine while his hands are digging into the sides of my head bringing himself closer to me. He tastes like gold and expensive whiskey. I can't get enough of him but I wanna run away and never see him again. If he would just give me one night to be with him and then we would never have to see each other ever again in our whole fucked up lives i would be content with that ending. His hands are digging into my hair pulling me even closer to him but me being tied to this chair isn't helping the tension in my body. "Wait, stop, stop." I say with all the oxygen from the room being taken away from me. He pulls back and puts his hands on the back of the chair behind my head looking at me like he always does, like he wants to destroy me. And I would let him. "What's wrong, you don't want me to keep going?" He says to me with a smirk across his lips. God that's hot what the hell. A couple seconds go by and my head is spinning and my heart is telling me to run but my mind is telling me to kiss him again. I stare at him once more. The dim lights from the store are doing him so much justice right now. He looks like an angel but I know he's evil. He smiles and lowers his head from my gaze so I don't see his reaction to my words of kindness. His upper body moves upwards so he's not leaning on the chair anymore and walks behind me tracing his fingertips on my exposed skin. It feels like fire and ice two complete opposites attract one another. His fingers start at my neck to my shoulders then to my wrists tying me from the chi art he restrained me to. I don't even know how long ago now. After he unties my wrists, he spins the chair around like I weighed nothing. "What do you want me to do to you, do you want me to kiss you, you want me on my knees in front of your world and make you mine, do you want me to do that for you?"All Rights Reserved