The story of a mentally struggling 15 year old boy who had a change of heart about ending his life after being accepted into a school he thinks is cool. He doesn't really care about much else, he's got no goals in life other than doing good in the present, and he has no idea if his mental state is improving or he's just gotten to a point in life where he's got all the requirements to end it all again but just chooses not to out of spite and absurdity. The school actually seems pretty shady, his radars been set off by almost every single student on campus, and they seem to be hiding things from him. He knows how it all goes, so he'll just try to figure all this out on his own. Then ridiculously, he meets a daydreaming enthusiast, to be specific, a maladaptive daydreamer with a huge imagination. And he's willing to help this boy out. Makes the boy wonder what other kinds of people dwell in the school.