Plot: After not speaking to one another for ten years, Scrooge McDuck is reunited with Donald Duck after he and his three nephews: Huey, Dewey, and Louie move into McDuck Manor. But, unknown to our heroes, Scrooge McDuck was an imposter of an All-powerful, all-knowing dark sorcerer with dark magic called Lord Sauron, who's mission was to find the mystical power objects, The Shen Gong Wu to free The Titans; Lythos, The Rock Titan, Hydros, The Ice Titan, Pyros, The Lava Titan and Stratos, The Wind Titan, who had been imprisoned beneath the deepest sea many years ago, to bring The Dark Age of The Titans.
The presence of the newcomers rekindles Scrooge's spirit of adventure, leading the group to go on many new treasure-hunting expeditions, while the nephews and their new friend, Webby uncover the truth behind what caused their uncles to become estranged and retire from adventuring.
Basically, the sin of sloth got transported to the world of demons, reapers, and angles by her littler brother greed. Let's see how sloth have a new eve by a demon butler.