In a desolate world overtaken by the relentless grip of a zombie apocalypse, a young teen girl named Lily and her older brother, Alex, navigate through the remnants of their shattered lives. With each passing day, they grapple not only with the horrors of the undead but also the haunting memories of a time when laughter echoed in a now-silent world.
As they scavenge for meager supplies and witness the decay of once-vibrant cities, Lily clings to the hope that somewhere, beyond the hordes of the infected, lies a sanctuary. Alex, burdened by the responsibility of protecting his sister, hides the pain of losing their parents to the relentless march of the undead.
In the cold shadows of abandoned buildings and dilapidated streets, Lily and Alex's journey becomes a poignant tale of survival, as they learn to find solace in fleeting moments of normalcy amid the relentless sorrow that permeates their existence. The echoing moans of the undead serve as a constant reminder of a world that was, and the siblings find themselves grappling with the harsh reality that normalcy may never return.