In a world where the boundary between life and death blurs, "Book of the Undead" unfolds the haunting tale of Aloch, a warrior damned to roam the Earth for eternity. Upon his death, Aloch's soul is denied entry into the afterlife, tormented by the countless lives he took in his brutal existence. His essence imprisoned in a sinister cauldron, and his malevolence turned into a book, a dark relic known as the "Book of the Undead."
Over three millennia of his agonizing existence later, fate intervenes in the form of Yul, a young woman destined to wield the "Book of the Living." Drawn to the cursed warrior, Yul finds herself irresistibly drawn to the darkness that surrounds Aloch. But in the abyss of despair, a forbidden love blossoms between them.
As Aloch and Yul's connection deepens, they discover that their love holds the power to end the age of darkness that has plagued the world for centuries. Aloch, burdened by his past and desperate to free himself, makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Yul and the world from the malevolent forces that have kept him trapped.
But Yul, unwilling to lose the love of her life, stakes her very soul to rewrite Aloch's tortured essence, using the "Book of the Living" as her instrument. In a gripping climax, they challenge the very fabric of existence, their love becoming a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in despair.
"Book of the Undead" is a dark and gripping journey through the realms of life, death, and the blurred space in between.
Other Title: Guide to Cultivating as a Cannon Fodder (炮灰修真指南) by Qinglian Yuefu
Becoming a cannon fodder supporting a female character who is destined to die within the first three chapters, Zhang Yiyi decisively begins her self-rescue mode. This is the story of a young girl fighting her way out from among countless cannon fodder, ultimately achieving enlightenment and ascending by breaking through the void.