"Soulbound Shadows" follows the lives of four friends in the enchanting city of Kyoto, where ancient traditions and supernatural secrets intertwine. Sakura, with her ability to communicate with spirits, Ryu, the musician with a vampiric heritage, Hana, the historian holding the key to an ancient prophecy, and Takeshi, the martial artist who is a dhampir, find themselves bound by a destiny that challenges the delicate balance between vampires and humans. As an ancient artifact awakens dormant vampire clans, the friends become unlikely allies with vampires seeking peace. Ryu's music becomes a unique force, and Takeshi's mixed heritage grants him formidable abilities. Together, they embark on a journey to prevent a war that could shatter the harmony between the two worlds. "Soulbound Shadows" is a tale of friendship tested by supernatural forces, cultural clashes, and the enduring power of unity against the shadows that threaten to engulf their world. Update :- Every Monday