Aniel Bej Frías, better known as Mister Aniel, he was sexually abused, manipulated and mistreated by one of his families.
From his childhood and adolescence he had such a hard life, until he moved to the city at the age of 18 to get away from his family.
Time passed, he worked as a pianist, but something worse happened, as he was almost abused by his piano teacher, he was finally able to kill him and reveal himself, saying his phrase.
This is how Mister Aniel would kill and rape murderers and rapists as revenge, never justice.
An Anti-Hero who is in search of a thirst for revenge, an avenger and makes promises to his victims, giving them one last chance, as a consequence, if the victim breaks the promise, Mister Aniel will end their victim's life, so... "Don't be shy... you are a savage person."
Posted from:
September 27, 2023. October 14 & 20, 2023.
Made since: October 2, 2023
Emily es una chica de bajos recursos que llega a la ciudad de Londres cuando su madre consigue trabajo para la familia Torrance, una de las tres familias más adineradas, no solo de Londres, sino de toda Europa. Ahí es donde conoce a Cole, el hijo heredero de la mafia.
Cole Torrance es cruel, narcisista, arrogante y posesivo. Esconde oscuros secretos y un pasado familiar que lo atormenta. Emily, en cambio, es todo lo opuesto a él. ¿Qué podría salir mal entre estos dos?
Este libro contiene escenas explícitas, agresiones sexuales, violencia física, violaciones, pedofilia y prácticas como juegos de respiración.
Si eres sensible a estos temas, no leas esta historia.⚠️⚠️⚠️