In the realms of "The Discordant Crown," royal ambitions collide with unforeseen consequences. The story follows The Prince, who, driven by sudden desires, sets off a chain of events disrupting the delicate balance between two kingdoms. As concealed motives unfold and alliances break apart, the narrative explores the lasting impact of hurried decisions. Step into a captivating journey through self-discovery, unexpected twists, and the intense consequences of unrestrained desires. "The Discordant Crown" will question the fragile balance between power and peril.
I wrote this story as my final project at school, so I decided to publish it here cause why not. English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistakes or confusion.
P.S. ignore the cover, I had to put some AI generated image, or otherwise there would be Sean's face from my pfp.
A wayward regency au one shot I wrote for fun, and because the concept wouldn't stop haunting my mind.
Trying to get back up after his ex-fiancé left him, Lord Arthur Pendragon relents to his friends and families idea of hosting a party in his family's estate. Although holding up hope for a new love that evening, he could not predict falling head over heel for a woman with haunted eyes, who secretly hides a crooked and wicked grin and a spark of intrigue unlike any he's glimpses before. After catching the sight of that side of her, and the way her families mistreatment severely dampens it, he finds himself sure of one thing. He's going to get her out their grasp, but doing so might be more tricky then first expected.
Miss Harriet Frodesdotter is stuck in a hell of constantly being forced into a uncomfortable, lace covered, dress, into unbearably loud ballrooms, and dealing with condescending suitors that her controlling sister manages to steer towards her. The sudden approach by a Lord Pendragon does make her pause however, his sweet and concerned eyes appearing to be almost horrifyingly sincere as he offers to help her with her family issues. She doesn't trust him, he's not the first to claim to be her savour for purely selfish reasons, but something tells her that there's something more to him, and not in a bad way.
Content warning for ableism, family issues (including abuse, I don't perceive it as especially graphic, but it's there) and depictions of meltdowns.