Sang in a Rebel Daze {COMPLETED}
8 parts Complete () Series ()
A. Sang in a Childhood Daze (completed)
B. Sang in a Rebel Daze (completed)
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() NOTES ()
A. I'm not much of rebel, so if this story feels like it's missing that special "oomph" feel free to let me know :)
B. This can be read as a standalone even though it is a part of a series.
C. I'm uploading this entire story in one day (May 16, 2016) :-) Just felt like pointing that out
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() Copyright ()
A. This is a fanfiction of C. L. Stone's Ghost Bird Academy.
B. The characters, events, and places that came from her are hers and I do not plan to profit from them.
C. However, any new characters, events, and/or places that I create are solely my property and not up for grabs or plagiarism.
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**Please Enjoy the Story!**