After the tragic suicide of her girlfriend (Brooklyn McCoy), An 21 year old female, (Indy Woods), is left to live alone, wondering if anyone will ever love her like Brooklyn did. Indy, being emotionally unstable, with self-harm tendencies, knows that she's gonna need to suffer alot more if she even wants a chance with someone. Brooklyn, was a happy person who tended to make jokes that shes gonna commit suicide one day. Turns out, It wasnt a joke. It was a warning for her suicide, that Indy wishes she had noticed. Indy doesnt want another partner. She loved Brooklyn.. But deep down, she knows, She cannot sit alone forever. Brooklyn's ghost visits Indy one day, warning Indy about another mysterious woman, named Naomi Hayes. Indy almost refuses to get another girlfriend, since her and Brooklyn were dating since they were both 16. Brooklyn's ghost tried to help her. But does Indy even care? Who is Naomi Hayes? Will Brooklyn help Indy? .... Will Indy even live? STARTED: 5.12.23 (5th December 2023)
8 parts