When searching for the Ink Kingdom to join Bright Moon's rebellion, the find out that it was not only in shambles, but also an old, abandoned animation building. When exploring the building, the find it to be bigger than what the outside shows. They went deeper, and deeper, and deeper into the abandoned building, fighting off inky monsters, and something about an Ink Demon lurking in the shadows, the find the prince. When they found him, they weren't expecting him to be a little kid, and look so adorable to be in a place like this.
So, in the good of their hearts, they take him with them, and laughed about the Ink Demon being fake news, not realizing that they have met him and is there with them. Until they realize the truth, it would've been too late to send him back. Will he protect them and be a part of their rebellion, or will he attack them, possibly killing them all?
Read to Find out