In the tranquil atmosphere of the Barcelona countryside, Damian Hernandez Diaz leads a normal and simple life, aspiring to financial independence and determined to achieve his academic goals without depending on his family's bourgeois position. His humble parents don't hinder him from meticulously mapping out his academic objectives, aiming to fund his own law school education. In a surprising twist of fate, Damian, while playing the role of a waiter at a gathering of nobles and politicians, comes across Nikolai Romanov, the Emperor of Russia. Nikolai's instant attraction to this young Spaniard sets the stage for a unique journey. However, Damian, a man of strong principles, is not easily swayed by Nikolai's charms, being a traditional and conservative monarch. Amidst challenges and resistance, the narrative gains complexity, exploring the intricate layers of relationships and aspirations, raising the question: Will Nikolai manage to go beyond appearances and truly win Damian's heart, surpassing the barriers imposed by their notable differences? Written by Lilith & @IberryjuiceAll Rights Reserved
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