Yn, a young woman with an innate talent for chaos magic, finds herself at the center of a harrowing predicament. As a child, her parents had harnessed her uncontrolled powers, using them to conduct experiments on nine unwitting individuals. Yn, drawn by a deep bond, would often sneak off to visit these captives, unaware of the horrors they endured.
Until one fateful day, Yn's temper flared, unleashing the full force of her chaos magic. The experiments escaped, transforming into towering Kaiju monsters - Godzilla, Kong, Skar King, King Ghidorah, Scylla, Behemoth, the Chinese Loong Dragon, Kraken, and the malevolent Destroyah. In the chaos, one of the beasts abducted Yn's sister, leaving her with a monumental task.
Now, Yn must embark on a perilous journey to reclaim her sister, gain the power of Shimo, reverse the Kaiju transformations, and stop Destroyah from annihilating the other monsters. But there is an added complication - a sinister "monsterƒυ¢кєя's curse" that falls upon the land at nightfall, ϝσɾƈ¡ŋɠ the transformed humans to regain their power by ϝυƈƙ¡ŋɠ and ƈσɳʂυɱ¡ŋɠ humans, only to revert to their monstrous forms by dawn. Yn, as the only one capable of wielding her chaotic magic, must navigate this treacherous landscape to save her sister, her friends, and ultimately, all of humanity.
All your life you been poor living in poverty. You wanted a change to get out of ur debt, so you work your ass off in school to get into high paying job to free you from debt. But being surrounded by rich kids made you feel ashamed of your life. Then you meet Rui and Kristian who changes your life even more...for better and worse
Based Off the Manhwua Love Me Not on Lezhin