Amy Rose, a sweet and cheerful Pink hedgehog woman of 20 is a very popular Baker who owns a Bake Shop in Mystic City, called Sweet Rose and is living her dream. She has the hedgehog of her dreams, the famed Blue Blur, Sonic at last, and they have been together for seven years now. Thanks to her best friend, Rouge she was able to get started, and now she is ready to open up a new Shop in Empire City. But before she can do that, she must first win a Baking/Cooking competition, that Rouge has signed her up for without her knowing it. a dreamer and romantic at heart.
Shadow Robotnik, Mobius' top Male Movie Star, and all-around must-have man to both men and women. Mr. Lone Wolf, a romantic at heart, prefers to stay to himself, Currently staying in Empire City at the Grand Diamond Hotel, in his penthouse Suite. One day his private elevator ends up breaking down, and with only two options, Either walking down 250 flights of stairs or Taking the public elevator, he does the latter of the two so as to not get dirty. But as the elevator descends down a level, they open up to a vision of beauty. Fur as pink as a rose, eyes like emeralds, and lips as soft as rose pedals, that BEG to be kissed, enter the elevator. The moment their eyes met, it was love at first sight. But who is she and why is she wearing a Chef's hat, and a very cute Apron?
Somewhere in a kingdom, called the Rose Kingdom, their lives a young pink princess, known as princess Amy Rose. Having a lot of friends Amy has a great live, till one day her parent told her, she has to marry a prince from a nearby kingdom. But not liking the prince a bit, she tries running away with the help of her best friend, who happens to be her personal guard, Sonic the Hedgehog.
I don't own any of the Sonic Characters, they all belong to SEGA. Story belongs to me, enjoy reading.