Best known for his roles in Harry Potter, Die Hard, and Robin Hood, acclaimed British actor Alan Rickman died of pancreatic cancer in 2016 after being diagnosed only six months prior. This form of cancer exhibits no symptoms early on. It's most often discovered in late stages when it's more difficult to treat. As a result, the prognosis usually isn't good.
Cancer is such a dreadful disease that Sonya White Jaguar realized she must share her perspective as a spiritual healer after seeing the devastating worldwide impact of COVID-19. She felt that withholding anything that might be helpful in the fight against cancer would do a disservice to you and dishonor Alan's memory.
This short book is a compilation of Sonya's spiritual insights, medical research, and input that she channeled from Alan. Sonya discusses what she feels is a major contributor to cancer cases that the medical community doesn't recognize. Finally, she shares what she believes was the specific cause of Alan's pancreatic cancer, which she's never revealed publicly before now.
This book is a tribute to Alan Rickman, in honor of his birthday. He would have been 78 today, February 21, 2024.
Abe-e-Hayat is a sequel of the timeless novel Peer-e-Kamil by Umera Ahmed. Abe-e-Hayat includes the same main character Salaar and Imama. The story starts from where it was left from Peer-e-Kamil.
This is the English translation of the book... to know further about what happened in Salar and Imama's life after marriage join me in this journey.