In a realm shrouded in danger, two young werewolf outcasts, unable to shift, forge an unlikely friendship amidst a world hostile to their kind. Fate binds them, and their connection deepens as they grapple with an undiscovered destiny. One transformative night unveils their secret: they transform into awe-inspiring wolves, triggering a prophecy foretelling their union as mates destined to unite all packs.
Navigating a perilous werewolf world without pack guidance, the duo faces adversaries seeking to harm or exploit them. Their unbreakable bond sustains them as they strive to fulfill the prophecy, braving challenges that test their strength and love. In a climactic confrontation, the Sun King and The Moon Prince overcome skeptics and adversaries, emerging victorious and proving their worthiness. This poignant tale explores self-discovery, trust, and the enduring power of destiny, leaving readers fervently rooting for the triumph of the Sun King and the Moon Prince.
-COMPLETE-(BxB) It was just supposed to be a simple camping trip. It was supposed to be a time where Aiden could take some time out and get away from the city. Perhaps he went a bit too far into the woods, as there was more than what he had ever expected within the trees.