In the story "Round-Trip: The World War That Never Changes," the world is confronted with the bitter reality that naval warfare continues to haunt throughout human history. Starting from World War I, through World War II, the Cold War, and the dreadful possibility of World War III.
The world's destiny seems bound by an endless war. This story presents a depiction of how a deadly war sets off on an unending journey. Despite the increasing casualties and destruction, humanity remains trapped and engaged in a relentless pursuit for answers.
However, behind all the devastation and suffering, the message that is conveyed is that war will never undergo change. It paints a bitter portrayal of humanity's reluctance to learn from past mistakes and seek a peaceful path. War continues to be a cycle of destruction, while humans strive to uncover hidden answers amidst the ongoing battlefields.
"Round-Trip: The World War That Never Changes" poses the question of whether humanity will ever surpass its inclination to initiate conflict and embark on a new peaceful chapter in the future. Although this story portrays a grim journey, it also provokes thoughts on the importance of seeking alternative solutions to address the never-ending war. It serves as a strong reminder of the significance to halt this cycle of disaster and attain the desired peace for all times.
"The whole world is filled with naval warfare, starting from the beginning of World War I, World War II, the Cold War, to Modern Warfare or World War III. What if our common destiny began with a deadly war? And all the stories are engineered with an endless pursuit of answers? War will never change."