The story follows the life of a young woman, stranded on Skull Island for over a decade. Her world, filled with the wonders and dangers of the island, takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of Captain James Conrad and his team.
As the team navigates the perils of Skull Island, seeking to uncover its mysteries, the young woman finds herself drawn to the enigmatic and courageous Captain Conrad. Amidst the backdrop of an untamed land and its colossal guardian, Kong, their connection deepens, evolving from mutual respect to something more profound.
"Echoes of Skull Island" weaves a tale of love emerging in the most unexpected of places, exploring how even amidst chaos and danger, the human heart finds a way to connect.
All rights remain to belong to the makers and directors of Kong:Skull Island, I only take ownership to the alterations I made to the story. This is a James Conrad x Reader insert fan-fiction.
"It's a dangerous, beautiful, sight, this island is"
"It's funny. The most dangerous places are always the most beautiful"
In 1968, you leave your home to sail. And woke up on a unknown island with natives who don't even speak.
5 years later. A team of soldiers, stranded on the island, will make their way out of the island, and you will join.
Lead by Captain James Conrad.
Reader x James Conrad
-All chapters are to be edited when I know the proper dialogue-