In the aftermath of a tragic plane crash, Yusuf, a devout 30-year-old lecturer, a religious man, and Layka, a modern 25-year-old flight attendant, find themselves stranded on a deserted island. Despite the catastrophic circumstances, they forge a bond that transcends the challenges of survival.
Yusuf, guided by his unwavering faith, grapples with moments of temptation stirred by Layka's beauty. However, his commitment to his beliefs proves stronger. Layka, on the other hand, is captivated by Yusuf's respectful demeanor and gentle attitude, qualities she has rarely encountered in other men.
As they navigate the twists and turns of island life, the duo discovers the essence of trust. The novel weaves a poignant tale, unraveling the journey of Yusuf and Layka as they awaken from an accident that reshaped their destinies. Amidst the yearning for a return to normalcy, their burgeoning love becomes a steadfast anchor, providing solace and strength to endure the trials and tribulations of their secluded existence.
Record of being in a Top-10 for continuously for 2 weeks....
This is a story of an Indian Mafia Leader and A Simple Girl...
Yuaan is an Indian Mafia leader in India everyone is afraid of him. Everyone knows About him but no one knows how he looks Only his close one saw him. He is a very cold, emotionless and grumpy person he doesn't smile often he never believes in love Or he thinks he never deserves to be loved... Until he SAW her as a girl who changes his life and makes him believe in love.
A Simple Sunshine girl . she is India's no.1 businessman daughter her family loves her a lot. She never knew anything about the mafia world she lived her life freely until she met him. The cold grumpy man who turns her life upside down.. She is cute, beautiful and smart everything a boy ever needs..
She is the one who helped Yuaan in his hard time what happened when yuaan ordered to kidnap a girl not knowing she is the same girl who saved his life....
Read and find out what happened next...
GUYS this is my first book pls ignore me if I make any mistakes and support me.