A boy, named Finn Hudson is the son of the owner of William McKinley High School and a heartthrob, he's a bad boy, the only child of the family, spoiled, self centered but, sweet and caring in the inside. What is the cause of his bad attitude? Who made him like that? Is he gonna change?
A girl, named Rachel Corcoran, the new girl of WMHS the girl who've been talking by people from McKinley. She has a fraternal twin with her going to Lima from their original place, their mom is a Broadway Star in their place.
What would Finn react when he see the new girl in school, are they going feel nothing about it? or feel like more than just friends? are they going to be friends?
Rachel Berry was a poor girl living In a ratty old village. Her only trustworthy companions are Quinn Fabray and Santana Lopez. She's known as the town joke because her fathers a con artist who bailed after her mother died of an unknown diesease when she was eight. Rachel works as a waitress at the town pub earning her living, which is very little. Not much is going for her and not many people know of her, which is perfectly fine with her. Until one night
Finn Hudson is the prince of Lima living in a palace. His best friends are Noah 'Puck'erman and Sam Evans. Finns parents are the great rulers of Lima who set an example. He is suppose to do the same, which he does, but it gets tiring for him. His new duty is to find a bride eligible for queen. He has until his coronation day to find a girl to for the high standers. What happens when he goes into town one night and walks into that pub?
Two different worlds collide, what will happen when they do? How will people react?