(New chapters are on hold for now sorry) after ww2, the Two Germanie sons were put under care of Captalist, Britain, and Communist, Soviet. On the surface, it would seem to be normal. But you must always look a little deeper... _____ (This isnt a snippit from the story, but it is just a little leak 🤭) "My father gave this amulet to me" The small West German boy looks up to me. "Really? Its what he always used to wear in battle as well" I smile slightly. "Do you know what it might mean or do?" I ask him, giving him a loving rub on the back as the thunder pours down outside. "Said it kept the murder at bay" The small boy replys, as i tense up. The disease... ______ Warnings! .NSFW(?)❌️❌️❌️ .GORE❌️❌️❌️ .BLOOD❌️❌️❌️ .MEANTIONS OF N@ZI(!) AND COMMUNISM(?)❌️❌️❌️ .FLUFF(?)❌️❌️❌️ <anything in these little arrows in speech are an action that the character speaking is doing> Slow love✨️ PS: keep an eye out for this symbol: ☆ It will be in the descriptions of certain books of mine. I aint gonna tell you what it means in my book franchises but i will tell you one thing... It has a meaning! Can you figure it out? ☆All Rights Reserved