Another betray Jaune Arc story Jaune Arc is a young man who suffer a terrible betray from his friends (expect his Teammates) when they discover his false transcript. Ozpin did everything he can to keep him there, but sadly the councils with Cardin father, the bastrad who revealed my secret and destroyed his chances to be a huntsmen due being blacklisted from all academies. My family shockly still love him to forgive his actions (the clan don't excise in this one), but he did get some good whacks from his mom and dad for worry them. Despite him not be able to become a Huntsmen, his father still taught him how to father and let him learn engineering and robotics till they realize his brilliant. Jaune work was excepted not only in Atlas, but to all of Remnant due of finding a alternative source of energy. When Jaune decided to built a ship that could travel in space! But sadly was sabotage by a certain white hair person and was lost in the wormhole till he crashes on a frozen dead planet that was inherent robots! Can he help the drones and return to his home world or failed.All Rights Reserved