Each story unveils a unique narrative, introducing diverse characters, compelling conflicts, and unexpected connections. Encounter a rogue time traveler seeking to unravel the mysteries of the multiverse, a young witch navigating the complexities of magic in a modern world, a group of explorers venturing into uncharted territories filled with mythical creatures, and more. Explore themes of adventure, love, friendship, and discovery as each one-shot immerses readers in worlds both familiar and entirely new. Whether it's delving into the intricacies of interdimensional travel or unraveling the intricacies of the human heart, these tales promise to captivate and inspire, inviting readers to venture beyond the boundaries of their imagination. "Parallel Realms: One-Shots Across Dimensions" invites you on a thrilling journey through a multitude of realities, where every turn of the page unveils a new adventure, a fresh perspective, and the magic of storytelling across infinite worlds. (Wait for its Spanish version soon)
4 parts