20 parts Ongoing Zora Ideale, a mysterious magic knight of the Clover Kingdom, found his solace in solitude, refusing the bonds of friendship and love others held so dear. Fate had always been cruel to Zora, taking everything he had ever loved, he resented and cursed the concept of fate.In his anger he harbored a burning hatred towards all those who would use fate as an excuse to cause pain and suffering in the lives of others.
Little did Zora know that fate was on the cusp of orchestrating a profound change in his life, forever altering his future. The ghosts of his past, which haunted him mercilessly, lurked on the shadows edge waiting to reveal long-sought answers that had eluded him for over a decade.
These answers would come in the form of a beautiful and powerful young mage named Luna, one who seemed strangely familiar to Zora. Unbeknownst to both, the red thread of fate had intertwined their destinies together long ago. The two young mages would find themselves unwillingly thrown together by a series of events that would not only unearth the hidden truths of both their pasts but also pave the way for renewed strength, redemption, and a profound love for one another that neither had expected.