Dr. Otto Octavius is returned, without the arc reactor, to 2022 rather than 2004. The Peter he reunites with remembers everything about their multiversal travels, as does Norman, and presumably, Marko. Stranded eighteen years in the future in a world that believes him to be dead, Otto must relearn what it is to alive. The only issue with this is that, quite simply, he doesn't want to be. But that is a thought best kept to himself, better to keep his head down and focus on the tasks at hand-copy editing textbooks, patrolling New York alongside Peter and Harry-and he does just that until a time-sick vigilante crashes into the Empty Sky Memorial Park during one of his routine patrols. They claim to be from the future, to know him, and Otto must figure out what disastrous circumstances have stranded them three years in their past before their future wreaks havoc on his present.