In a rare moment within the lives of Neas, the Gladiator of Gallifrey, they've regenerated as two different incarnations in one body. Enter "Elvara," a fusion of Cara (the Fourth Gladiator) and Elvira (the 24th Gladiator), who must navigate within a realm full of familiar names with different faces, all of whom are in grave danger. Thankfully, she won't be going into this world alone. Her friend and mentor, the Doctor, has arrived; but, like her, he seems to be going through an identity crisis of his own, having regenerated into his fourteenth incarnation with the face of his previous tenth.
The first-ever Infinite DC tale to take place in the Disney Multiverse, "Familiar Faces" is a three-part story that sets up a new phase in the journeys of the Gladiator of Gallifrey.