In beautiful Mexico, Emilio, a brave little boy, wakes up to a life full of challenges and adventures. Anxiety begins to grow in his heart during his brave journey towards a new life in America. He is thrown into a dark world where he is captured by a mysterious gang. With the gang's unconventional boss, Alejandro, the story takes an unexpected turn. Alejandro decides to be a surrogate father for Emilio, offering him a new world full of surprises and security. But this world is not as calm as it seems. As Emilio turns into a strong boy, Alejandro begins training him in the secrets of fighting and martial arts. Fantasy and reality merge in a unique adventure as Emilio gains superhuman skills and reveals his true powers. . With new companions, such as the clever maid Sofia, Emilio embarks on a unique journey. Epic confrontations and complex puzzles fill his world, and Emilio will learn to face his challenges with courage and strength. Through a wonderful anime, this exciting story will be brought to your screens, where reality and fantasy combine to create an unforgettable experienceAll Rights Reserved
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