"Whispers of the Tides: A Mermaid's Odyssey of Love and Destiny" follows the enchanting journey of Celestia, a mermaid princess stolen from her underwater kingdom as a baby by the vengeful sorceress Morgana. Raised on the surface as a human, Celestia discovers her true identity on the eve of her sixteenth birthday, setting off on a perilous quest to reunite with her merfolk family. Joined by the compassionate human sailor Elias, the two navigate mythical sea creatures and daunting challenges, finding love that transcends the boundaries of land and sea. As Celestia returns to her underwater realm, the story culminates in a grand union of mermaids and humans, symbolizing the harmony between two worlds and the enduring power of love.
The intimidating yet Charming Lawyer Siddhant due to some reasons stay as a paying Guest at a house, where he meets Navedita who is Insecure about her weight and worried about her career but there is something...which act as a hindrance and i.e Navedita's Father who is very protective for his daughter and Warns Siddhant to maintain a decent distance with Navedita!!
So how will Loving the Paying Guest be Possible?
This story will feel so real to guys because it will be a stubble romance Book that you will love !
And a Little secret (Whispering)....The story is as hot as the main leadssss 😉
Copyright action's - If My work will be copied by any means or way, there will be strict actions against the person ! So beware and produce story with your own mind, no need to be a cheater ! Sorry for sounding rude but this is my hardwork and I can't let anyone copy it simply.
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