The Posthumous of Serena Garbow is a dual narrative coming-of-age tale that follows Serena and Max as they discover their place in the world despite outside forces dictating their future. It's been one year since the ringmaster, Serena's father Otis Garbow, died. The Garbow Circus is on the brink of foreclosure. Serena, the only daughter in the family, has an idea to save her family's business but her older brother, Caz, has silenced her. Before Otis' death, Serena was training for the role of ringmaster with him, but now everything has changed since her father's death, and her brother Caz has taken her place in the center of the ring. Now Serena will do anything to reclaim what has been taken from her. But she might need a little help from Max Milosovici. Max's family, the flying trapeze act, is new to the Garbow Circus and needs to earn their place in the ring. Max, who wants nothing to do with the circus life, has other plans and dreams of college, despite his family's objections. Even though Serena loves circus life, and Max despises life in the circus, and Serena, the two will need to put their differences aside for the sake of their family business.
Ella is falling apart trying to live a "perfect" high school life. Then she meets Ren, who can see past her scars. Suddenly perfection isn't her only option.
Ella Volkov is a gifted music student, but she's depressed and starting to crack under the pressure of high school. Her overbearing father won't even let her choose what instrument she plays. Then she finds herself alone at a party with Ren, her best friend's crush. She'd always thought he was rude, but after that night he's all Ella can think about. Now she's trapped. If Ella dates Ren, it will ruin her friendship with Jenny. But if she stays true to Jenny, she's losing the one person who can see past her scars. It's up to Ella to decide if she will forge her own path, or stay in the "perfect" box designed for her...
Content and/or Trigger Warning: depression, anxiety, self-harm, violence, sexual assault.
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