Sephiroth had endured years of violence and abuse at the hands of his father Hojo causing him to become cold and distant to anyone who tried to show him kindness. One day Hojo goes too far and does the unthinkable to Sephiroth he rapes him and leaves him on the lab floor bloodied and battered. While trying to stop Shinra Cloud stumbles upon Sephiroth who is lying unconscious on the floor of Hojo's lab. feeling pity for Sephiroth Cloud gets closer to him only to see that he had been violated by non other than Hojo himself as a form of punishment. Horrified by what the scientist did to Sephiroth he picks up Sephiroth's unconscious body and brings him back to the main base where he is treated by a doctor at AVALANCHE. After a few hours Sephiroth stirs in a hospital bed covered in blankets. Fearful that someone will find out his dirty secret he tries to flee only to be stopped by Cloud of all people. Sephiroth soon begins to tear up once he realizes that Cloud saved him from Hojo's abuse and latches onto him crying and shivering. He then tells Cloud his long kept secret, he was a omega. After hearing those words Cloud put it upon himself to keep Sephiroth safe and claim him as his omega and lover.All Rights Reserved