In the quaint town of Monaco, two childhood best friends, Charles and Avianna, have always had a special bond. Their parents would bring both of them to all the kart racing and formula races. Since then, the two have trained, grown, and dreamed together. They would imagine themselves being teammates, regardless of not winning any podiums or what team they will be part of. Because for them, nothing's more important than being on each other's side.
As they grew, reality hit them. Opportunities for Charles have always been bigger than what the industry offers for Avianna. Charles and his passion and love for kart racing often got sponsorships, support, advanced training, and anything that one could think was necessary for his career as he pursued the world of Formula 1. Despite Avianna's talent and determination, she had to work a hundred times harder to prove herself as a female driver, as male drivers have long dominated moto sports like Formula 1.
Their dreams, once intertwined on the same racetrack, now faced the stark reality of an uneven playing field. As Charles steps towards heights of success, Avianna struggles against the clock on the racetrack and the doubts of everyone around her dooming over her career. Avianna persisted, fueled not only by her love for racing but also by the unwavering support of Charles, who once believed in her.
Avianna is driven more than ever to prove herself to everyone, especially to her ex-lover, Charles.
One team. Two formula one drivers. And one goal : winning the world constructor's championship.
Well, if only it was that easy.
Max and Charles have known each other for what feels like forever. And their relationship has been nothing but tense. Fortunately, they managed to make it work once they both joined the formula 1 world. Avoiding or simply tolerating the other's presence throughout the years.
That's what they thought at least...right until the moment they become teammates.
And everything changes.