[Male Reader x One Piece]
"Alright, [Y/N] dear, you have a busy day ahead tomorrow, and you mustn't forget to sleep. How will you be able to pick up your sword and defend the kingdom without any energy?" An older woman with dazzling golden blonde hair cooed her only child, her bright eyes filled with hope for the man he would become, for the future they had been building for him, one devoid of all the chaos and violence that embroiled the world around them. He would inherit an entire kingdom, and they wanted to give their little prince all the support that he would need while they were still around...
"Can't you tell me one more story, mother? I just can't sleep!" The small boy cried, looking up at his mother. Never had she been able to say no to that face, the eyes he made. "Oh, alright..." Her voice sounded tired but she always treasured the time they spent together. "Fine, what do you wish to read tonight then? Brag Men, perhaps? Or maybe you would like to hear Liar Noland once more, hmm?" However, none of those were the books that he wanted. Rather, there was one book in particular that young [Y/N] had been dying to hear her read again, as she did most nights.
His mother rolled her eyes. "Oh, of course, how could I have been so silly..." And, from the bookshelf, she carefully plucked out an old tome, with clear signs of overuse from the text's damaged spine. He jumped back into bed, ready to hear his favourite story once more. It wasn't necessarily literature that a child should've enjoyed so much, and yet, nothing else compared...
"Let's get started then, for the one-hundredth time, my dear, The King in Yellow."
"Love is like a theif, it robs you of all thought and logic, and all you have left is a heart that you can only pray is strong enough to survive the rest..."
- Karina Halle
Eustass Kid was quickly rising to the top of the world. Violence was his mightiest weapon, and paired with his unwavering confidence, very few dared to mess with him.
Times had changed since the war of Marineford, and it was the Worst Generation's time to shine. His time.
The New World, however, wasn't kind to those who sought fame, fortune or power. Confidence and brute strength alone weren't enough to make it through such unforgiving waters, but Kid was stubborn. He'd never admit it, even if he knew. Even if it would kill him.
By chance, his possible answer fell right into his lap, and he didn't even know it. Wit, charm, skill he did not possess, but oh-so annoying, he very nearly did away with it. If he had, perhaps things would have turned out differently.
•Graphic Violence
•High Coarse Language
•Graphic Sexual References/Scenarios
•Drug and Alcohol References
•Possible Character Death
•Killer's Juicy Man Teets
One Piece and all canon characters belong to Eiichiro Oda. I do not claim ownership nor am I making any profit.