17 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال Five friends, one is a killer.
On fall break, twenty year old Eliza Goodchild sets off with four of her college friends for a remote cabin in Aspen, Colorado. When a blizzard strikes without warning, their SUV skids off an embankment and disappears into a wooded ravine. In the whiteout, they get lost and find themselves in a frigid wilderness where every wrong move can spell certain death. In their struggle to survive, they learn one of them is a killer. Everyone has secrets and motives, but when the killer claims a second victim, they realize all of them are targets in an icy twisted plot to get away with the perfect murder, or should we say, murders.
Open Novella Contest 2023
~~The Writing Prompt I selected~~
5. Flip the coin and make a life choice with it. Two choices, one coin, and no turning back. Do you dare?