9 years ago, a 15-year-old boy by the name of Izuku Midoriya was betrayed by most of his former classmates at UA High School besides his close friends Tenya Iida, Soto Todoroki, Fumikage Tokoyami, and Tsuyu Asui. Also, the teachers betrayed him; besides, All Might (his dad), Shota Aizawa (His homeroom teacher), Vlad King (homeroom teacher of class 1-B), Midnight and Mic (heroics teachers), Nezu (the principal of UA), and Recovery Girl (the nurse).
Shortly after his betrayal he left to go back home to his mom, but he passed out a mile outside of UA's gates. There he was saved by someone who changed his world for the better. That person was Ochaco Uraraka, the princess of Japan.
Long story short, they became close, fell in love with each other, started dating, adopted a little 6 year old girl named Eri, got engaged a year later, married in secret 4 months later, Izuku got his revenge as the new prince of Japan, the class got what was coming to them, a year later Izuku and Ochaco had their son Itsuki, and 2 years later they welcomed their daughter Koharu into the world.
Now as the new king and queen of Japan, what adventures lay ahead for Izuku and Ochaco? What events will happen in their lives? How will their little children grow up?
Now at the age of 24, Izuku and Ochaco have to navigate parenting a 13-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 2-year-old. While also being the king and queen of Japan.
Enjoy this sequel to Revenge of The Wronged Hero! Please go read that book first then come back to this one.