The story will take place during Ensemble Stars Music (or Ensemble Stars!!) where a group of idols alongside Alkaloid and Crazy:B will emerge and create new worlds with their songs. Join the 6 characters' stories as they continue to grow. A few notes: I'm unsure I will have romance in this there will be times where characters will be flirtatious (or at least close) and some fluff but when it comes to the romance side of things I'm unsure but I will still put the tag for bl just in case. Characters' personalities might differ from the game mainly because I haven't scene the anime or played Ensemble Stars! so sorry in advance. Although it takes place during Ensemble Stars Music (or Ensemble Stars!!) one of the characters will have some history involving the war in the first game (but since I don't know where to find the translation for the game their will be some stuff that I'm unsure of) The storyline will be mainly focused on the idol unit I "made" However the unit will share some of the storyline with Alkaloid, Undead, Akasuki, & (to a lesser extent) Fine main and event stories so it can be easier for me to include them in the story but they will still have their own story events and such if it doesn't make sense it might when you read the chapters... hopefully (you'll understand why they will be a part these units stories in the future). The notes might update if I need to add something (chapters will let you know) And Finally EnjoyAll Rights Reserved