You used to live in a apartment, by yourself. No Mothers, no Fathers, no Family Members, NOBODY. Just your self, and next door apartment neighbors. You live in a skyscraper, full of apartments. In Los Angelus, California. You moved in LA for a reason, to look for a job. When your in your apartment, have nothing to do. You watch Markiplier, Mark Edward Fischbach. Your most favorite YouTuber in the whole world, and had fall in love with him when he first started YouTube.
Then suddenly, you heard a knock on your door, you thought you have a neighbor to welcome you. But instead, you got a letter. From your next door neighbor.
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Instagram: @Shadaotic
Twitter: @MissSquitty
Hey! Look at that. You got your own apartment in LA, California. It seems like a beautiful day to you, like every day. You moved from (your hometown)... So this is pretty new to you. The big city. So big. Friends... Long away. But one day you meet someone. His name is Mark.
You moved into LA since 2012, so now you've gotten used to all of the cars and people. Mark and you start to become more and more friendly to each other, and you helped him move into an apartment in LA that was fairly close to yours so you wouldn't have to walk a lot.
Yes, we all know you don't like walking a lot.
Anyways, yea, you are about 24 years old and have been on YouTube for awhile a collabed with some other YouTubers for the past few years (Mostly Markiplier). You have one million subscribers currently. You always strive to do more. Your YouTuber name is (YT/N). You are pretty popular, and Markiplier does know you as a friend, and you do to.
Until one day it's changes into something more.