After Julie takes over her brother, John, as Sherlock Holmes' sidekick for the day, they set off on a mission to investigate a murder in a lavish mansion. With unreliable officers who know nothing about the situation, they must take matters into their own hands. [COMPLETED] (DISCLAIMER: This is a REVAMPED version of my old narrative writing from my English assignment back in 2021. My former English teacher taught us about how to write murder mystery and used Sherlock Holmes as an example. He gave us a prompt, which is 'what if you are Sherlock Holmes' sidekick instead of John Watson?' Basically we have to come up with our own murder mystery case and write it in 'John Watson's' POV. This story used to be titled, "A CRIME LIE" (yes it's very corny) and my writing was horrendous and I can't read it with a straight face. I thought why not I revive it after 2 years (my 2021 self would be proud :D) With that being said, THIS IS NOT A FAN-FICTION. Thank you for your understanding and hope you enjoy this story.)