Addisons, Swatchlings, Tasques, even the Mouses, please hear this message. Everyone is invited to the Color Cafe. These might be our last moments; the fountain has been closed. We have approximately 3 hours before... *sigh*... We are all gone. Half of our people are Frozen, they cannot be saved anymore, and the queen left us behind or either has fallen because of the Lightners. It doesn't seem that there are any Lightners in the surroundings at this point. The intruder that invaded the castle seems to not be a problem anymore, but it's still forbidden to enter ahead to the castle without permission. If you need friends, food, or anything you need for your last moments, The Color Cafe will be pleased to provide them to you. End of the communication. (Inspired by the comic of Bright Goat) (complete comic: (The art in the cover is not mine)
3 parts